I don’t really know how it works over in the UK with regards to swearing on TV. Most of what I see are British cable dramas, which I imagine get more leeway. Judging from what I know from British TV, the words “c*nt” and “tw*t” aren’t even profanities, while the word bollocks is verboten. I’m guessing, however, that the word “f**kwit” is just as bad over there as it is over here, and most certainly shouldn’t be used on a live Daily Politics program.
Here’s the video footage:
After the conservative politician, former police minister Nick Herbert used the term, a British media watchdog launched an investigation for breach “of content standards.” To be fair to Herbert, however, he was quoting a police officer who had allegedly called the Home Secretary Theresa May a “f**kwit” on Twitter. In fact, Herbert was calling the police officer out for doing so.
Nevertheless, the host of the show, Jo Coburn, told Herbert “we won’t have any more of that” and asked him not to repeat anymore of the expletives. After the show, Herbert kind of apologized on Twitter, tweeting: “Shame on the former police officer on the prog who used the word to describe the home sec and who I was quoting disapprovingly.”
That former police officer, however, claims that he had no recollection of using the term “f**kwit.”
Meanwhile, nighttime programs in the UK on the very same station clearly have different standards.
Source: The Guardian