Ben Affleck went on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon to promote David Fincher’s Gone Girl, although he spent the interview talking about his kids’ apathy towards him starring in movies that aren’t Frozen and about him being the overzealous sidelines dad at his daughter’s basketball games. (“I think Ben Affleck just asked me to fight him.”)
On his kids not caring that he’s our next Sad Batman, Affleck said, “If I was doing the sequel to Frozen, I would be a hero. But my two older daughters could give a sh*t about Batman. They love Frozen. The indignity is so great that they have now passed that affection on to my two-and-a-half-year old son.”
Affleck then told the story about trying to find short Frozen-related clips to show his son in lieu of playing the whole movie. One of the clips his son latched onto was the cover of “Let It Go” Fallon performed with Idina Menzel using kids’ instruments. Affleck says his son asks him to sing the song like “The Man” does, to which Affleck jokes, “I’m your father. Jimmy Fallon’s not The Man. I am The Man!”
Awww, is Batman gonna be sad?