Big Boo From ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Shouted Down A Homophobe On Her Subway To ‘Sesame Street’

If you spend enough time on New York City subway (17 seconds), you’ll hear something you don’t want. It might be a team of dancers announcing with their presence with, “SHOWTIME,” or a white guy with dreadlocks playing a Bob Marley cover, or, most likely, a Bible-thumper preaching intolerance about how we’re all going to Hell because we watched an episode of Seinfeld once. If you’re like me, you blast the Melvins album on your iPod that much louder, but if you’re like Lea DeLaria, who plays Big Boo on Orange Is the New Black, you shout the ranter down.

DeLaria was on the train when the proselytizer began preaching at ear-piercing levels. The actress stood up in her “Bad Jew” T and schooled the guy, distracting commuters…But the preacher guy fought back, eventually referencing Sodom and Gomorrah and “the sin of homosexuality.” At that point Lea, who is openly gay, throws her hands up and just loses it on the guy. (Via)

Jeez. References to Sodom and Gomorrah? Get some new material, religious bigots. Anyway, where was DeLaria heading? To Sesame Street. Seriously.

She (and the rest of the GAY AGENDA) can probably teach Bert and Ernie a thing or two.