Man Tries To Dispose Of Body In Bathtub Full Of Acid, Just Like He Saw On ‘Breaking Bad’

AMC’s Breaking Bad is really not the kind of show that you’d expect to need a “Do Not Attempt This At Home” warning during its broadcast, but the number of Breaking Bad related crimes really is staggering. Consider the meth cookers the show inspired in Kansas City, the high school tutor with cancer who was arrested for dealing meth, the chemistry teacher arrested for selling meth, or the real-life Walter White arrested last year for cooking meth.

Today’s Breaking Bad-inspired crime, however, is a little more grim than simply dealing meth. It involves a bathtub, acid, and a dead woman.

From KTVB:

Dean Settle was staying at the home of Jason Hart, 27, at the time Hart allegedly murdered Regan Jolley, 33. Police arrested Hart June 4th after Settle discovered Jolley’s nude body in a tub of acid in a nearby garage …

Police accused Hart of strangling Jolley and trying to dispose of her body in acid. Investigators later found an episode of the television show “Breaking Bad” in Hart’s DVD player. The episode features an eerily similar murder plot.

“The only thing I know or feel about it — that was his favorite series,” said Settle. “That’s what he told me. I think he used it as instructions to go do what he was doing to dispose the body.”

On the one hand, you kind of want to commend Jason Hart because Breaking Bad is his favorite series, but on the other, you kind of want to remind him that KILLING PEOPLE IS BAD. I know it’s super cool when Walter White does it, and you gotta love the way White applies science to the disposal of bodies, but again, KILLING PEOPLE IS BAD.

And now Jason Hart is going to have to wait several decades before he can watch the final eight episodes of Breaking Bad. That is a fitting punishment (also, the prison. Because, again, KILLING PEOPLE IS BAD). Also, one has to wonder if Hart actually finished that episode and saw that THE BATHTUB FELL THROUGH THE CEILING. Maybe the guy could also learn from Walter White’s mistakes.

(Source: KTVB)