Chloe Bennet In ‘Esquire’ Is A Good Reason To Catch Up With ‘Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.’

I feel it’s slightly dishonest to say there’s NOTHING ON TV RIGHT NOW, considering we still have three more episodes of both Game of Thrones and Fargo to go, but there’s NOTHING ON TV RIGHT NOW. I’m already planning which DVR-clogging shows I’m going to catch up with over the summer. The original plan was to start with 24: Live Another Day, but I think I’ll instead start with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. after seeing these photos of Chloe Bennet, who plays Skye, in Esquire. She seems cool.

Fun fact: before she became an actress, she was a singer. Her first single, “Uh Oh,” was released in English and Mandarin, because she’s half-Chinese. Oh yeah, and her real name is Chloé Wang.

Photos by Miko Lim for Esquire