Chris Geere is an actor perhaps best known for his role on FXX’s You’re the Worst, the first season of which we LOVED. You may have also seen him in sequels of The Prince & Me. You’re the Worst returns for its second season on Wednesday, September 9 at 10:30 EST.
Chris was nice enough to take a few minutes out of his busy schedule recently to answer a few questions from us.
1. You walk into a bar. What do you order from the bartender?
… Guinness/red wine/tequila = sports/date/karaoke.
2. Who’s your favorite person to follow on Twitter and/or Instagram?
Our writers from YTW. You see why they’re so good at their jobs.
3. What’s currently waiting for you on your DVR?
Currently re-watching the British Office. Just love Gervais.
4. It’s your last meal — what are you going out with?
A steak the size of my head.
5. What websites do you visit on a regular basis?
IMDb. Always spotting someone on TV and wanting to know how they got there.
6. What’s the most frequently played song on your mobile device?
Thomas the Tank Engine theme tune. Unfortunately, when my son is in the car, I have no other choice.
7. The first face that comes to mind when you think “punchable?”
Ooh… so many. Anyone who attempts to disguise bullying as “banter.”
8. What’s the last thing you googled?
How to cook an Indian feast from scratch. I did it. It was great. I never cooked it, but I googled it, and it was great.
9. Dogs or cats?
10. Best concert of your life was…?
Stevie Wonder in London. Every song.
11. What book are you most likely to give as a gift?
How to Stop Acting by Harold Guskin. Best TV acting book I’ve read.
12. What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?
She married me.
13. South Park or Family Guy?
Family Guy!
14. You have an entire day to do whatever you want. What would you do?
The beach. And day-drinking
15. What movie can you not resist watching if it’s on?
Home Alone. Or Mousehunt. Shh, I’m watching it now.
16. The sports team or teams you’re most passionate about?
I hope England wins the World Cup in my lifetime. That would be ace. Plus, Chicago Bulls because of my good pal and co-star Desmin Borges.
17. Where did you eat the best meal of your life?
Del Posto in NYC and more recently Mastro’s in Malibu.
18. The last movie you saw in a theater?
Jurassic World. I would have gone 10 times.
19. Who was your first celebrity crush?
Kate Hudson. Still is (winky face).
20. What would you cook if Nic Cage was coming to your house for dinner?
Something in the slow cooker that took 10 hours, so I could chat to him about why Knowing was so amazing, but then got really, really weird.
PREVIOUSLY: Chris Parnell