Christina Chang is an actress probably best known for her work on CSI: Miami, Private Practice, Desperate Housewives and 24. Currently, the Taiwanese-American performer stars on ABC’s The Good Doctor, which airs Monday nights at 10 pm EST on ABC. Christina was nice enough to participate in our twenty questions questionnaire series.
1. You walk into a bar. What do you order from the bartender?
Something refreshing. Or bubbly.
2. Who’s your favorite person to follow on Twitter and/or Instagram?
Tiffany Haddish is my current fave. She funny.
3. What’s currently waiting for you on your DVR or in your streaming queue?
4. It’s your last meal — what are you going out with?
Burger, creamy whipped mashed potatoes with a lot of butter, juicy pork dumplings with chili garlic sauce, lollipop sprouts and my mom’s magic bars. It’s random and it’s a lot, but hey it’s my last meal.
5. What websites do you visit on a regular basis?
Amazon, Red Tricycle, Pottery Barn Kids, Pinterest. (can you tell I’m a mom…)
6. What’s the most frequently played song on your mobile device?
I like a good yacht rock situation.
7. If you could go back and give your 18-year-old self one piece of advice what would it be?
It’s gonna be ok so be bolder and laugh harder.
8. What’s the last thing you Googled?
“Where to find Rapunzel’s tower”
9. Dogs or cats?
I’m allergic to both. But I’d rather sneeze with a dog.
10. Best concert of your life was…?
11. What book are you most likely to give as a gift?
Currently, it’s salt by Nayyira Waheed.
12. What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?
Wow, this is a tough one. I think I’ve been fortunate enough to receive many kindnesses…
13. South Park or Family Guy?
Mister Rogers.
14. You have an entire day to do whatever you want. What would you do?
Going to the bathroom without a child barging in is a treat, so let’s start there.
15. What movie can you not resist watching if it’s on?
So many of them, but if I have to choose one, it’s The Princess Bride. Classic.
16. The sports team or teams you’re most passionate about?
Umm…Blinking cursor….
17. Where did you eat the best meal of your life?
It’s between a home cooked meal in Tuscany and a vegetarian one in the Himalayas
18. The last movie you saw in a theater?
Crazy Rich Asians.
19. Who was your first celebrity crush?
Donny Osmond. I’m officially showing my age now.
20. What would you cook if Nic Cage were coming to your house for dinner?
If Nic Cage is coming over for dinner, I’m grilling. He seems like that kinda guy. Then I’m gonna sit down and ask him all of these Uproxx questions.
PREVIOUSLY: Tyler Alvarez