[protected-iframe id=”44ee3e1e0196ff06bc2c7845a39f79c4-60970621-28893383″ info=”https://www.cnn.com/video/api/embed.html#/video/us/2014/06/05/ctn-intv-raff-homeland-bergdahl.cnn” width=”650″ height=”400″ frameborder=”0″]
CNN anchor Don Lemon — the same man who once suggested that a black hole might have swallowed Flight 370 — had Homeland executive producer Gideon Raff on the show to talk about American POW Bowe Bergdahl’s situation. Why? Is it because Raff’s father Economic Adviser to the Israeli Embassy? Was it because he was a paratrooper for THE Israeli Army? No, and while neither one of those facts about Raff would make him a particularly good expert to talk about the release of Bergdahl, they’re better than the fact that he is producer on a FICTIONAL show about prisoner of war who was released after being kidnapped and held hostage by terrorists.
But that’s exactly why CNN had him on, so that Don Lemon could ask Raff about the similarities between Bergdahl and Nicholas Brody, a FICTIONAL character played by AN ACTOR in a MADE-UP SHOW. This is like having Chris Pratt on to talk about the capturing a terrorist because he played a soldier in Zero Dark Thirty or comparing the disappearance of Flight 370 to the disappearing plane in Lost … oh wait. They HAVE done that.
Jesus, CNN. You are not required to find an entry point into every story from something in popular culture. Have some respect for yourselves.
Source: CNN