Stephen Colbert Announced George Clooney As His First Guest And Has A Brand New Marquee

'Tomorrowland' Valencia Premiere
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When Stephen Colbert officially returns to late-night television on September 8, he will be accompanied by a very familiar and handsome gentleman. George Clooney will be the first guest on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert when it debuts on CBS next month, as Colbert announced on Twitter:

So, someone be a pal and let Clooney know he’s got a gig coming up this fall. Maybe send a carrier pigeon to Lake Como?

At least we know that when he shows up, he’ll know where to go. Yesterday, while everyone was getting ready to watch Jon Stewart sign off of The Daily Show, the Ed Sullivan Theater debuted the marquee for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, replacing the very seductive placeholder that also served as advertising for Angelo’s Pizza. Here is a look at our brave new world:

Well, it’s a start. It doesn’t have Colbert’s name on the front part facing the street yet, but here is a side view, all lit up last night:

Before you follow that Twitter account, however, be aware that the correct — and verified — account for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is @colbertlateshow, so go ahead and follow that if you haven’t already.

The marquee is supposed to be completed by the end of today, so if you’ve been existing in post-Comedy Central fake news limbo, your suffering should be over very soon. Colbert is very clearly coming back in almost exactly one month’s time, and, in the meantime, he’s keeping us happy with silly promo videos.

(Source: Twitter, TheWrap)