Let’s Celebrate ‘Cougar Town’s’ Renewal With Ellie Torres’ Best GIFs And Put Downs

Cougar Town is not the show it once was, before it moved to TBS and creator Bill Lawrence departed. But neither is Community, and like Community, Cougar Town is still one of the better sitcoms on television. It’s been a mixed season over on TBS, with some great episodes and some not so great ones (the nadir, however, was an entire subplot devoted to product placement for Target). But I still love the show because it still maintains the same sensibility that coursed through Scrubs, my favorite sitcom of all time.

TBS has decided to renew Cougar Town again, giving it another 13 episodes next year. It’s hard not to be happy about it, and ironically, Cougar Town gets around the same number of 18-49 viewers as Community for TBS (NBC should’ve picked it up!) For TBS, those are the some of the best numbers the network has ever received for that demo, so the renewal was something of a no brainer.

Last year, when TBS picked up Cougar Town, I ran the Best of Laurie Keller, so it’s appropriate that I’d put a little slideshow together of the Best of Ellie Torres for you folks. She’s the Jordan Sullivan of Cougar Town; in fact, they’re basically the exact same character, and like Jordan before her, no one has mastered the sarcastic put down as well. Check it out, and stick around for the awesome Christa Miller tweet around the middle of the slideshow.