The CW’s Four-Way Superhero Mega-Crossover Will Adapt A Classic DC Story

We’ve known that Supergirl, Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow were having a four-episode crossover at some point. It was really just a question of what story they were going to tell, and Greg Berlanti and team have picked a classic DC story you couldn’t do except on TV: Invasion!

In 1989, DC answered a question many comics readers had been asking for years: What if all the alien races superheroes regularly beat up and sent packing teamed up and invaded Earth as a coalition? Specifically, the Dominators, a race of emotionless, calculating aliens, wanted to get Earth’s superheroes out of the way, since they kept interfering in those galactic takeover efforts. The resulting crossover was hugely popular as heroes fought the alien invasion across the world and, not coincidentally, across thirty or so comics from DC, including a three issue story that climaxed with the “Gene Bomb,” a weapon that kills metahumans, being set off and heroes flying in to stop it from spreading.

As you might guess, Invasion! is tricky to adapt as a movie, since it takes place in so many locations and with so many heroes, at once, but that makes it perfect for the CW’s superhero suite. After all, with four different production teams, and four very different styles of show, that’s a lot to juggle if the crossovers have to connect in a “to be continued” style. But with all sorts of goopy aliens showing up, each show can tackle a different angle and have threads running through it.

So when will we see this? It appears it’ll be arriving the week Arrow‘s 100th episode airs, so late November or early December is when the aliens will start invading.

(via TVLine)