A ‘Deadwood’ Star Just Hinted That A Movie Might Be Coming

Don’t get too excited (okay, get excited), but Garret Dillahunt, known for his role as Francis Wolcott on the swear-happy show, Deadwood, just tweeted that there might be a movie in the works. Or at least there are rumors of a movie in the works. Or rumors that a Deadwood movie is being considered to go into the works. According to Dillahunt, the rumors are credible, but no one else has confirmed them.

Still, HBO is known for bringing back shows fans love for one last hurrah, so perhaps there’s some truth to the whispers that Dillahunt’s heard swirling around. For now, the only thing we can do is wait and hope. And maybe write to our congressmen. They’re the ones who control HBO, right? Or maybe just retweet Dillahunt’s message with the #everybodypray hashtag until HBO realizes what a goldmine it’s sitting on. Either/or.

(Via Twitter)