Arrested Development is maybe, possibly returning to Netflix for a fifth season sometime in the not-so-near future, but Jessica Walter’s other show, Archer, is definitely coming back on April 5. The new season of FXX’s wonderful animated spy-comedy, now called Archer Dreamland, takes place in the 1940s, and Walter isn’t Mallory Archer, Sterling Archer’s mom — she’s Mallory Archer, a “cold-blooded” and “dastardly” crime boss who’s trying to one-up her rival, Len Trexler, voiced by Jeffrey Tambor. It’s a Bluth family reunion!
Walter isn’t sure what’s going on with Arrested (“We just negotiated about a month ago, but we haven’t heard back from [Netflix]. We hear from them, everybody seems to want to do it, and then silence”), but she had a lot to say about how the Bluths compare to the Trumps, outside of the fact that they both want to build a wall between the United States and Mexico.
“They’re both real estate moguls, tycoons, and businesspeople,” she explained. “But the Bluths were really smart — well, smarter than the Trumps. Although that’s just my opinion… except for poor Gob!” With his ridiculous photoshoots and “hello darkness, my old friend” expressions, Donald Trump, Jr. is, for sure, the Gob of the most powerful family in the country.
America has made a huge mistake.
(Via the Daily Beast)