Don’t You Dare Ask Will Ferrell About His Pet Cockatoo, Professor Feathers

So let’s just recap what we’ve gotten from Will Ferrell in this most recent lead up to his new film, Get Hard. He called back to his classic Late Night appearances by dressing as a leprechaun on Letterman. Then he showed up as Little Debbie on a very weird edition of The Tonight Show, complete with poop jokes galore. After that he hopped on The Daily Show with Kevin Hart to slap dicks with Jon Stewart. And finally he stopped by James Corden’s new gig at The Late Late Show to sing the theme from Star Trek.

Tonight he’s on Conan with a very testy cockatoo named Professor Feathers, refusing to talk about him while pointing out his boy parts. That’s an adult term.

I’ll give the bird a lot of credit, it didn’t make a peep throughout this entire segment. It was stoic at every twist and turn, including the part where Ferrell almost busts out laughing at the silliness of it all.

Of course, it was all pointless by the end of the show because the bird was cooked and eaten by the cast of Hart of Dixie. Rest in peace, Professor Feathers.

(Via Team Coco)