Emilia Clarke And Kit Harington’s Reactions To A Major ‘Game Of Thrones’ Twist Have Fans Talking


Warning: This post contains spoilers for the last season of Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones has been over for an entire week, but you didn’t really think that was the last we’d see of it, did you? Yes, there are those prequels, but they may come later rather than sooner. For now, all we have is The Last Watch, a documentary about the making of the last season that aired Sunday night on HBO. There are plenty of revelatory moments, but few have captured Twitter’s imagination like Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke’s reaction to a key plot twist in the final episode.

The scene in question finds the cast at the final table read, where they learn [drum roll] that Jon Snow kills Daenerys Targaryen.


Harington is absolutely beside himself. Clarke has a mix of embarrassment and unbridled delight. Their reactions were quickly minted on Twitter.



There were some critics, including one who pointed out that Clarke’s adorably goofy reaction reminds us how most TV shows and movies cast her in glum roles. (Seriously, it’s strange that the one thing that’s embraced that side of her is that euthanasia rom-com.)


Clarke was a fount of silly faces when learning about other GoT twists.

Others dwelled not on the final table read but the maiden one, back long ago in the before-time.
