Fox News Went To Spring Break In Florida And Of Course They Were Shocked And Horrified

Fox News once again traveled to Panama Beach, Fla. for spring break to “expose the realities” of the booze and drug-fueled debauchery to be found there because “BREAKING: College kids still act like idiots on spring break!” What exactly did they find?

Sean Hannity sent seasoned spring break reporter Ainsley Earhardt, who uncovered binge drinking, drinking funnels, public drug use, sexual intercourse (RIGHT ON THE BEACH!), twerking, guns, defecation in trash cans, girls kissing girls, guys kissing guys, Alabama Hot Pockets, Kentucky Klondike Bars… OKAY, I may have made those last two up.

Basically, the whole affair can be summed up by this exchange between Ainsley Earhardt and some random spring break bro: “What have you seen at spring break?” “What have I NOT seen at spring break?!” I don’t know, a book? Via BroBible

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