True story: I grew up a sheltered life, away from Disney flicks and “normal” parents, so until I had a child of my own, the only nursery rhymes I knew were Andrew Dice Clay nursery rhymes, like “Jack and Jill went up a hill, each with a buck and a quarter. Jill came down with $2.50. Woaaaah.” (I still have to catch myself occasionally while reciting the actual nursery rhymes.) Hopefully, however, an entire new generation of children will grow up on the haunting and twisted nursery rhymes of George R.R. Martin.
A taste: “Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and shattered his leg, which made him easy prey for outlaws. Screams ravaged through the war-ravaged valley. The wolves and ravens feasted on his body for days.”
Perfect for nighttime reading because the shock will surely render your little one comatose, although the nightmares may make the sleep fitful.
(And yes, I know it’s not actually George R.R. Martin. NOT THE POINT.)
(Thanks Austin B.)