The ‘Game of Thrones’ Creators Insist That Jon Snow’s Fate Is In His Eyes

Alright, rampant Game of Thrones speculators, your television Super Bowl is almost here. After months upon months of arguing about Jon Snow’s death and refuting or supporting various internet theories about his demise, the creators of the show are speaking up (again) about whether he’s dead or alive. Benioff and Weiss, the torturers of Jon Snow lovers everywhere, are doubling down on his fate from last season’s finale. And this time, they’ve brought scientific evidence to the table! In a conversation with Variety, the duo are sure that this latest evidence will convince viewers that Jon Snow does indeed know nothing – including how to come back to life form a mass stabbing:

“If you look at his eyes there,” says Benioff. “We spent a lot of time … ”

Interjects Weiss, “… We spent good money on this.”

“Your pupillary muscles relax when your body gives up,” adds Weiss.

Benioff then says, “Like your sphincter.”

Well, that seems definitively convincing then. Plus, Weiss went even deeper on what people’s bodies do once they die, and continued to use the word “sphincter”:

It is called a ‘pupillary sphincter,’ as a matter of fact, we looked this up on the Internets and it said that your pupillary sphincter relaxes and that your eyes dilate, and if you look carefully, Jon’s pupil dilates — the one that’s in the light dilates.”

This would be a very convincing argument, except for the fact that if it was as solid evidence as they want it to be wouldn’t they have brought it up a year ago when this debate first started? After all, if they spent so much money on sphincter-related purposes, they surely would have introduced that into the national conversation about a fictional character much sooner in the process. It’s not like they didn’t know this after the finale aired. He may be dead, he may not be, but at least we know that Weiss and Benioff are still just as adept at churning up conversations about their show in advance of a premiere as they’ve always been.

(via Variety)