‘Game Of Thrones’ Answered An Important Question In A Long-Awaited Sex Scene

It’s maybe not the most important question on Game of Thrones. It’s certainly no “who will end up on the Iron Throne?” or “how can the good guys stop the Night King and his White Walkers army?” But ever since Grey Worm and Missandei first exchanged lovey-dovey looks, viewers have wondered, 1) when will these two love birds get it on? and 2) can these love birds get it on?

The answer to the first question is the second episode of season seven, “Stormborn.” As for the second question: YEP. Grey Worm might be missing… something, but he still knows how to please a Handmaiden. And it’s not with his hand. But if you’re still wondering about the state of his manhood:

The eunuchs are fully castrated, with their penis and testicles cut, and their manhoods are burned at the altar of the Lady of Spears. This means that they cannot be as strong as whole men, but this is more than made up for by discipline. They regularly consume an elixir called the wine of courage to deaden their sensitivity to pain. They drink it with every meal, and every year feel less and less pain.

At least their moment went better than Ellaria Sand and Yara’s?

Alan Sepinwall will have his full recap later tonight and we’ll also publish a discussion post tomorrow. Until then, let’s enjoy a rare happy moment on Game of Thrones.






