This Week’s ‘Game Of Thrones’ Memes Blame Jon Snow For Pretty Much Everything


The second-to-last episode of Game of Thrones went down on Sunday, and as usual, it was a wild and violent ride. People are still just shocked that most of that death and destruction came at the hands of Daenerys Targaryen, who subverted expectations thoroughly and went from hero to villain in episode five. Rather than taking the city bells as a sign of surrender, she reacted like they were signalling the start of a 12 round title fight. Westeros had done her dirty over the majority of season 7 and 8, and it was time to remind them why she was the boss.

Of course, none of this would have happened if a certain Jon Snow hadn’t revealed his parentage to the world, setting himself up as an alternative ruler most of the major houses would prefer to Daenerys. Who could have foreseen that happening, other than Dany herself when she begged Jon not to blab that up to his family? That was bad, but the moment when Jon rejected Dany the day before the invasion of King’s Landing was possibly worse. Which is an impressive feat, even by Jon Snow standards. We’re not saying everything is totally his fault … but it kinda sorta is, in a lot of ways.

Some other stuff happened this episode too … some major and minor characters died, there was an okay fight on a stairwell. Arya learned a valuable lesson about killing not being the answer to everything, I think? Seems like a conversation her and the Hound could have had on the long trip down to King’s Landing, but I suppose Sandor’s message came across more meaningful just before they were about to die in their quests for revenge. Plus this way, we also got to watch Arya pinball across the city, barely outrunning the dragonfire and anarchy unleashed by Daenerys.

As usual, the action was on point and so were your reactions to the show. Here’s our round-up of the best memes from season 8 episode 5, ‘The Bells.’