Well, the enormously anticipated Game of Thrones Battle of Winterfell aired as expected on Sunday night. Everyone was thrilled to see who lives and who dies, but there was one major problem while all of the bloodshed began to unfurl. As the Night King’s forces advanced on hunkered-down humanity, viewers waited to see who would live, and who would die. Would it be Jaime, Brienne, Jorah, or and Grey Worm who would lose their life first? Maybe Tormund? Sadly, it was difficult to follow all of the action as the 82-minute fight commenced. Why? Because no one could see anything.
Seriously, the action was far too dark to monitor with the naked eye, even on devices with the brightness amped up to full capacity, and people were understandably frustrated and airing their thoughts.
I can't see anything how's the #BattleOfWinterfell going? #GameOfThornes pic.twitter.com/mb2YLMAFzS
— Tony Moore (@tonysfence) April 29, 2019
There’s a bright side (pun fully intended), as one tweeter noted.
hard to mourn characters when you can’t see them amirite #gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/ET4y9nX2T0
— mickey! ★ (@mirandapIease) April 29, 2019
Really, it was a little ridiculous … and the complaints kept rolling.
I can’t see anything #GameOfThrones
— Mike Ryan (Ruiz) 🙌🏽 (@MichaelRyanRuiz) April 29, 2019
dark tv shows are the worst. turn on some damn lights. like i know you want to create an aesthetic but WE CAN’T SEE ANYTHING
— tina ✨ (@royalmcpoyle) April 29, 2019
me looking at my tv. trying to watch this dark ass scene right now. pic.twitter.com/dPX2ebvfVq
— fraser ramon (@SteveMerkle9) April 29, 2019
this is extremely bad TV lol
— 'Weird Alex' Pareene (@pareene) April 29, 2019
"Did you see Game of Thrones last night?"
"What, you didn't even watch it?"
"Oh, I watched it. But I couldn't see a goddamned thing."
— Jen Chaney (@chaneyj) April 29, 2019
This is the darkest, blurriest episode of TV ever. Are we supposed to be able to see anything or just imagine it for ourselves? #gameofthrones
— Stacy Lambe (@sllambe) April 29, 2019
Not a fan of how dark this whole scene is. I can’t see anything!! #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/DN7kHMO5sS
— Josh Sanchez (@JoshWSanchez) April 29, 2019
HBO did what they did for a reason, no doubt. That won’t stop fans from complaining, but hey, we can watch it all again. And again. And try to figure out exactly what went down, but hey, we might never know! Depending on who ends up dying, that might be for the best.