It takes a lot to get a rise out of George R.R. Martin. After all, he created some of literature’s greatest monsters, including Joffrey Baratheon and Ramsay Bolton. But after one too many The Wall/Build the Wall comparisons, the A Song of Ice and Fire author could keep quiet no longer, and listed all the ways Donald Trump offended him. “In my lifetime,” he wrote, “there has never been a presidential candidate more unfit to lead this nation.” And now that Trump has been elected the 45th president of the United States, Martin, who updated his blog with a quick post, has “no words for how I feel this morning.”
There are really no words for how I feel this morning.
America has spoken. I really thought we were better than this. Guess not.
Trump was the least qualified candidate ever nominated by a major party for the presidency. Come January, he will become the worst president in American history, and a dangerously unstable player on the world stage.
And the decimated Democrats, a minority in both House and Senate, do not have the power to hinder him.
Over the next four years, our problems are going to get much, much worse.
Winter is coming. I told you so. (Via)
If there’s a new villain character in The Winds of Winter named Tonald Drump, I think we’ll all know who it’s inspired by.
(Via LiveJournal)