I had no clue that actor Robert Davi of James Bond villain and Goonies fame is considered a “protégé of Frank Sinatra,” but sure enough he’s performing a free concert in Long Island tomorrow, and he’ll be singing a bunch of Sinatra’s celebrated classics. Naturally, Davi needed to promote the show, so he stopped by Fox & Friends to chat about it, and he is still possibly one of the coolest guys there is.
How cool is he? When talking about a recent night club that he was at, he mentioned that all of the ladies were twerking, but F&F co-host Gretchen Carlson had no clue what twekring is, so Davi convinced her to get up and give it a try. Unfortunately, he couldn’t get her to commit to it, but Carlson was still so darn close to giving us the YouTube clip of the year.
Still, Davi’s appearance is worth watching just to see how smooth a 60-year old man can be. Take lessons, fellas. This is a man who knows how to make a lady twerk.