Since premiering in 1963, only 12 men have played the time-traveling Doctor on BBC’s Doctor Who, the key word being “men.” It seems inevitable that at some point, though, there will be a female Doctor, and she can team up with a black James Bond to save the world from bowler-hat wearing Weeping Angels, or something. I already know someone who’s interested in the gig.
My finder’s fee is a lifetime’s supply of bowties.
She answered that question while waiting for her plane to board, which I’m pretty sure is how “What’s the meaning of life?” is going to be solved, too. Anyway, the only bad thing about Hayley Atwell as the Doctor is that would mean the end of Marvel’s Agent Carter. Otherwise, it makes perfect sense. As Peggy Carter, Atwell uses her wits more than she does her guns, though she’s not above resorting to violence, and that whole “being British” thing helps, too.
But we already know Atwell, in all her lip-syncing glory, is a perfect fit.
Now it’s in the hands of a petition that I’m sure someone is already working on, which won’t actually do anything, but it’ll be a nice gesture. Meanwhile, Peter Capaldi regenerating into Hayley Atwell is making The Thick of It and Marvel fans feel some things.