Here’s How To Help Get ‘Constantine’ A Second Season

As I’ve noted elsewhere, I’m skeptical that Constantine will get canceled. I’m apparently alone in that, however, and if you love the show and want to help, Daniel Cerone, one of the producers, actually has a few ideas on how to make that happen.

Interestingly, the show seems to be enjoying a surge in popularity. The live ratings are okay for a Friday night, but right from the start, the show’s been hugely popular to view after the fact… arguably also a consequence of airing on Fridays. Even nerds have lives. Cerone noted that this is reflected in the show’s social numbers:

Also of interest, NBC has not canceled the show, and has the entire team under contract until mid-June. Cerone said that NBC is going to look at its upcoming crop of pilots, see what the team has put together for the second season, and then decide what to do. As we’ve already noted, NBC appears to have a plan on the table for the show one way or the other. Which brings us to what Cerone believes is the best way to ensure the show gets a second season: Watch it.

Cerone is currently working on getting the whole season posted to Hulu, but he correctly pointed out that the more people simply watch the show, the better the case one can make to NBC, or its corporate overlords, that it belongs on the air.

Man, remember when a show needed a letter writing campaign? We now just have to watch it and technology means that networks know we like it. Why can’t Nielsen work like this?