The Scream TV series premiered its first official trailer during Sunday night’s MTV Movie Awards. From the look of it, the only thing that distinguishes the show as Scream, thus far, is the meta nature of the video above.
In the series inspired by Wes Craven‘s film franchise, a YouTube video goes viral, leading to problems for a group of Lakewood teenagers. As well, it sparks a murder that opens up the proverbial wounds from the town’s troubled past. Lakewood isn’t Woodsboro, which leads to speculation that MTV is simply remaking the film series into whatever this program will be. What about Ghostface? I don’t know. The trailer gives two glimpses of a killer in a mask, and — as expected — neither peek looks anything like the film series’ iconic mask.
Scream the TV Series will premiere on MTV on June 30.
(Source: MTV)