It looks like season eight could officially be the end of Homeland on Showtime, at least as it pertains to the story of Carrie Mathison. During an appearance on The Howard Stern Show on Wednesday, Claire Danes confirmed that the upcoming eighth season of the series will be her last on the show. While it had been rumored that season eight was it for Homeland, Danes didn’t want to confirm it as the end of the show entirely. She didn’t hesitate to say it was her end of the road, though, according to The Hollywood Reporter:
“It’s definitely going to be my last year,” said the executive producer and writer ahead of the seventh season debut. “I can’t speak for Claire or [co-star] Mandy [Patinkin], but it will be my final year and it will be designed to be the end of an eight-season story. If Showtime, Fox, Claire and Mandy want to take the show further, that’s their decision, and we would leave some room for that to happen — if there’s an appetite.”
The seventh season of Homeland is set to wrap up on April 29th and the show was officially renewed through season eight ahead of the premiere of its sixth season. For Showtime, it represents the possible end of a series that helped it gain equal footing with other prestige cable channels like HBO. We say possible end because as The Hollywood Reporter notes, the network wasn’t sure if they’d bring the show back with a new showrunner and cast. In this era of reboots, it wouldn’t be a shock to see a series live on in a different form. It’d be odd for Homeland and likely a bigger hurdle than the closure of Nicholas Brody’s story in season three.
The show did continue from there, but it’ll be hard to see it in the same light without Claire Danes or Carrie Mathison.
(Via The Hollywood Reporter)