Kate Mara Looks Great In GQ Spread, Talks ‘House Of Cards’, Family, And Football

House of Cards star Kate Mara is the focus of a sexy photo shoot in GQ’s March issue (on shelves now) to coincide with season 2 of the hit Netflix show.

In the accompanying interview, Mara also talks about the “family business” of football. Her mom Kathleen Mara, runs the Pittsburgh Steelers organization her father Art founded, while her old man Tim Mara is the vice president of player evaluation for the football team his father founded — the New York Giants. The teams have won a combined five Super Bowls since 2006.

“We dressed up for Giants games like we were dressing up for church,” Mara explained to the magazine. Every Sunday of the NFL season is filled with pressure for both parents and both football franchises.

Speaking of anxiety, Mara touched on season two of House of Cards and the daunting task of living up to the success of the the first season.

Does the new season of House of Cards turn up the dials?

“I mean, the dials were really high in the first season. Beau Willimon has a very big imagination. And he and our writing staff, I think they really pulled through this season. Because it’s hard to top all the things that happened last season. Last year, before Season One came out, I had seen all the episodes; this year I haven’t, so I’m just as excited to watch it like anyone else. Still, I think it’s just as surprising and addictive. Hopefully, we’ll see.”

Did you, like, drop in on Politico before you started filming?

“I didn’t shadow anyone. Any questions I had I went to Beau. But being a journalist wasn’t the most important thing for me. That was just her job—it could be anything. The most important aspect of Zoe that I felt I needed to understand and wrap my head around was her crazy drive and ambition. Sitting around with Beau and Fincher and Kevin, just setting the backstories—that’s where I got all of my information.”

Click here to read more of the Kate Mara interview in the March issue of GQ. Season 2 of the Kevin Spacey-led series House of Cards premieres February 14th on Netflix.

Source: GQ