It’s impossible to watch Comedy Central’s Roast of James Franco and not leave with an improved opinion of the guy. Just another example of how self-deprecation and showcasing the ability to laugh at yourself is the most direct route to pretty much everyone’s heart. When Franco dropped by Letterman last night he further cemented the notion by telling Dave it was pretty much the best PR move of his career. “I’ve heard more compliments on that than a lot of things I’ve done.”
Not bad for a guy who didn’t even realize everyone would get made fun of (especially Jonah Hill). Pro tip: It’s worth giving the above clip a watch just for the Letterman-reads-a-James-Franco-is-gay-joke-and-pretends-to-not-get-it moment at the end alone.
And here’s James Franco reading an apology letter he wrote to his neighbor as a kid after he got busted egging said neighbor’s house. Totally sane of the guy to hold onto it for a decade to see if the kid who egged his house would turn out to be famous.