Jimmy Kimmel And Rihanna Gave The World A ‘Twizzler Challenge’ Worth Watching

First, Matt Lauer and Kathie Lee Gifford did it, then Regis Philbin and Hoda Kotb went at each other like thirsty castaways on a desert island. Thanks to Comedy Central’s Night of Too Many Stars, the “Twizzler Challenge” is picking up steam, despite the fact that some of those its picking up shouldn’t be getting steamy in the first place. Enter Jimmy Kimmel and Rihanna.

When Kimmel initially proposed the challenge, Rihanna acted appropriately and made a Molly joke. (Wouldn’t you if an older white guy was waving a red, gummy phallus at you?) They’d already had some fun at Jimmy’s expense when Rihanna pranked him for April Fools’ Day, so the pair decided to eat some candy.


The studio audience understandably lost their minds. Sure, they were watching two celebrities “kiss” live on stage, but we really know why they were happy. They’d finally found a way to erase the two previous attempts from their emotionally-scarred psyches.

(Via Jimmy Kimmel Live)