The Best Moments And Most Repeatable Lines From This Week’s Backstabbing ‘Justified’

Good news: We’re in the home stretch of this Justified season, where more schemes are failing, crosses are being doubled, and plot twists now make the next episode all the more exciting. Bad news: It’s all gonna end in three weeks.

Limehouse got Boyd and Ava new IDs in exchange for all that reward money.

Raylan concocted a plan to get Avery to fake moving the money.

Boyd saw right through it…

… and came up with a new plan.

This left Kathrine too busy to take a call from Mikey.

Boyd managed to execute his plan.

He also dropped a truth bomb on Avery.

Katherine had a question.

Boyd was ecstatic.

That would not last long.

Raylan’s none too thrilled either…

… and off went his C.I. with $10 million. It’s gonna take a lot of ice cream to get over this.