VIDEO: 'The League's' Katie Aselton Was Miss Teen Maine In 1995

Last year, when I wrote the post, 7 Things About “The League” Cast that You Probably Didn’t Know, one of the things that I mentioned was that Katie Aselton — who is married to the guy who plays Pete (Mark Duplass) — was Miss Teen for the state of Maine growing up. I took a certain pride in this because I live in Maine, and along with Anna Kendrick, Aselton solidifies our reputation as the leader of home-grown cute, spunky women of Hollywood (holla!). One thing I couldn’t find despite literally MINUTES of searching on the Internet was video or photographic proof that Aselton was indeed Miss Maine.

I can now close that chapter in my life, as Lobster Mobster, via the Something Awful Forums, has unearthed video evidence of the 1995 Miss Teen USA Pageant.

The first video is of the 50 Contestants introducing themselves, and I’ll save you the brain cells by directing you toward the 4:15 mark, where Katie — unlike the other contestants who use their time to promote themselves — gives a shout out to her friends back home. DO NOT watch the other contestants, as I had to sit through the first four minutes to find Katie Aselton, and a fifth minute would’ve forced me eat a gun.

This clip — at the 1:28 mark — is Katie Aselton’s bikini competition section. Before leaving your remarks, please remember that, at the time, Aselton was only 17 years old. Ick.

Who knew that, just 17 years later, that bored teenager would be making tit whiskey on a fantasy-football sitcom?