Warning: Spoilers for Season 3 of Orange Is the New Black ahead.
In Season 3 of Orange Is the New Black, Poussey and Soso each faced their own respective existential crisis. Both disillusioned by the cult of Norma, the hopeless romantic Poussey dealt with her loneliness by drinking prison hooch (having been rebuffed by Taystee in Season 2), while Soso wallowed in the despair of not fitting in or having any friends and eventually attempted suicide.
The season finale suggested a glimmer of hope for the two characters. After Poussey saved Soso from her suicide attempt, the two seemed to find comfort in one another in the final scene in the lake. What does that mean for next season? Will these two characters finally find happiness?
Vulture spoke with Samira Wiley and Kimiko Glenn, the actresses who play Poussey and Soso, respectively, and here’s what they had to say about the possibility of their characters falling in love.
“I sure hope so,” Glenn told us at the New York premiere of The Overnight when we posed the question. “I don’t have any friends, so anything I can latch onto at this point, I’m like, ‘Yeah.’ Plus, Samira’s hot, so I’m into it. If there’s anyone I’d be a lesbian for.”
What does Wiley think? “I’m interested in Poussey finding love next season,” she told us at Logo’s Trailblazer event. “However that manifests itself within the writers’ pens, I’m happy.” Can we get an online petition going?
After what they’ve gone through the past couple of seasons, I’d say Poussey and Soso deserve some happiness. If this doesn’t make you melt into a puddle, you’ve got to be made of stone.