Larry Wilmore Compares Josh Duggar To The ‘Pink Bubblegum’ Flavor Of Baskin Robbins

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It was late last week when the Josh Duggar scandal broke, and with most late night shows off this week, you really haven’t heard too many jokes made at the expense of the 19 Kids and Counting family. Larry Wilmore stepped up to the plate on Wednesday night, however, with a blistering take down of the Duggars, saying, “So, you mean to tell me the family that goes around saying gay and trans people are pedophiles preying on America’s young people actually has a pedophile that preys on America’s young people? Well, I hate pedophiles, but I love irony.”

He later compares the Duggars to Baskin-Robbins, reasoning with that many flavors of ice cream, a few are bound to suck ass. Or, “To keep [his] analogy on point, a few are bound to forcibly fondle underage ass,” which actually earned him a few boos from the audience. It’s true, Josh Duggar really is the “Pink Bubblegum” flavor of ice cream, which is the one of the worst insults you can lob at someone because, even as a kid, you knew that stuff was disgusting.