WARNING: You’re going to see a lot of episode 4 from Game Of Thrones in the video above, so watch with care.
If you haven’t seen “The Spoils of War,” the fifth episode from Game Of Thrones seventh season, you need to go rectify that. Even if you hate the show, its final thirty minutes rivals anything you’ve seen in Lord Of The Rings. It was the type of moment that the show does well each season, crafting these tentpole scenes that would impress even the most lackadaisical viewer. The people who tune in just waiting for Ballers to come on.
Leslie Jones is one of the folks who missed the episode on Sunday, giving Seth Meyers a chance to have another viewing party with the SNL star and get her real time reactions that she’d normally send out via Twitter. The result is something that’s both highly entertaining and probably very annoying to someone attempting to watch with her. You’d feel like Ruby Rhod by the end of the episode.
Still, her reactions capture how plenty of people felt during the episode and then some, even roaring like the dragons at one point. She’s also right on top of the hidden racial theme behind the entire series and the White Walkers.
The biggest surprise of the clip is when Lord Varys, Conleth Hill, shows up and just starts correcting Jones on her factoids and gabbing with her during the entire show. She also learns an important lesson from him about the realities of people releasing their bowels when they die. It’s definitely something she should know by this point, clearly proving she’s never watched South Park in the past. It’s just nature.
Bronn is definitely the gangster of the series, though. When he finally bites it, there should be a long moment of silence and a ton of wine served in his honor. It doesn’t matter that he’s fictional.
(Via Late Night)