Let’s Assess The Lead In CBS’s ‘Bad Teacher’ TV Pilot (And The Morning Links)

I’m not normally one to specifically judge an actress based upon her sexiness, but since this is CBS’s Bad Teacher — based on the Cameron Diaz film — the character’s sexual appeal is central to the premise. They made it an issue, damnit. My hands are tied. Last month, I suggested 11 Gorgeous Unemployed Actresses who’d be perfect for the role (notably, Yvonne Strahovski), but CBS ignored all my suggestions and chose Ari Graynor (Fringe, The Sopranos) instead. Not a bad choice, but STRAHOVSKI! Damn it. COME ON. Graynor is not even the right character type. You fail, CBS. (via)

This Photo Of Aziz Ansari And His Parents With Kanye West Wins Everything — (UPROXX)

Steven Seagal tries out his southern accent in ‘Maximum Conviction’ — (Film Drunk)

This Looks Fun: Zamboni Waterskiing — (With Leather)

Surprisingly, Red Isn’t The Most Dangerous Color You Can Wear Aboard The Starship Enterprise — (Gamma Squad)

Bonnaroo Announces 2013 Lineup, Booked Everything Except the Kitchen Sink — (Smoking Section)

GRUDEN TALK: Jon Gruden Discusses the Russian Meteor With Neil DeGrasse Tyson — (Kissing Suzy Kolber)

Station Agents, Episode #10 — The Warming Glow/Pajiba Weekly Television Podcast — (Station Agents)

7 Actors TV Would Like You To Forget Are Actually Really Good Looking — (Pajiba)

And The Nicholas Cage Award Goes To… — (HuffPost Comedy)

9 Established Movie Directors Who Also Worked on TV — (Mental Floss)

Toy Story 4 Teaser Poster Leaked! — (College Humor)

Five of the Biggest Video Game Regrets — (Unreality)

You Have to See Andrew Bynum’s Hair — (Brobible)

The “Football: The Meal” Looks Pretty Good… — (High Definite)