A Real-Life Exorcism Will Air On Television, Live From The ‘Exorcist’ House

The witching season will be upon us before you know it, and Destination America will mark the occasion by airing a live exorcism. The Discovery-owned cable network event claims that it will make “TV history” on Friday, October 30. The special will be called Exorcism: Live!, which certainly gets the point across to a prospective audience.

The network shall head back to where it all began for The Exorcist. On the 66th anniversary of the events that inspired the film, a real-life ritual will take place at the iconic “Exorcist House,” which is still standing outside of St. Louis, Missouri. According to producers, no one has since tried to take out “lurking spirits and demons” that remain inside the house. Destination America says it has the balls to do so:

Exorcism: Live! will feature the cast of Ghost Asylum, the Tennessee Wraith Chasers and psychic medium Chip Coffey. The team will explore the home, from the attic to the basement, to find “whatever or whomever has scared Americans to death for decades.” The ghost-hunting team will use state-of-the-art technology to do daytime and nighttime investigations, documenting as much evidence as it can of these true-life demonic entities on live TV.

“As we step into one of the most haunted and well-known spirit destinations in America, Exorcism: Live! will show exactly what is inside this infamous, highly dangerous and possessed home,” said Marc Etkind, Destination America GM. “By actually exorcising this iconic house live, Destination America will do what it does best – bringing never-before-seen experiences to television.”

Hmm, so they’re not actually exorcising a person but a full-on house? Perhaps the structure will levitate on live television. That would be a fun thing to witness. Deadline points out how this will not be the first exorcism ever aired on television (the honor goes to a 1991 Barbara Walters special, which aired footage of an allegedly possessed Floridian teenager), but it will be the only attempt to exorcise anything for a live audience.

Chip Coffey and the Tennessee Wraith Chasers (excellent name for a butt-rock band) will do their best to scare up some demonic entities with high-fallutin’ technology. Meanwhile, the network will also host a Twitter chat as the special airs.

(Via Hollywood Reporter & Deadline)