Ahead of joining the BBC’s popular car show Top Gear as a host, former Friends star Matt LeBlanc has had to deal with a lengthy interview published by the U.K. tabloid The Mirror in which he supposedly discussed a nervous breakdown he had after Friends ended. Only, it’s apparently not true.
The article is super unflattering, with the writer going on endlessly about how much a womanizer and cheater the actor was, all in service of a redemption narrative wherein Matt became a devoted father who doesn’t socialize with other celebrities. Midway, there’s a quote from the actor about how fragile he felt after Friends ended, after his spinoff Joey failed, amid other personal struggles:
“For years and years, I barely left the house. I was burnt out. I wanted to not have a schedule, not be somewhere. I was in a position to do that. My agent was bummed. Most actors call their agents and say, ‘What’s going on?’. I’d call mine and say, ‘Please lose my number for a few years’. It was a very dark time. I almost had a nervous breakdown.”
The quote was picked up by stateside outlet Entertainment Tonight. This migration probably prompted LeBlanc to issue a correction on Twitter.
Hey,to clarify,I never had a nervous breakdown nor did I do an interview with the Mirror in the UK. So don't believe the hype. But thanks
— Matt LeBlanc (@Matt_LeBlanc) February 8, 2016
True or not, I too would be mad at such an undermining article about myself.