The pizza guy now identified as “Edgar” from Big Mama’s and Papa’s Pizzeria in Hollywood who delivered Ellen’s pizza at Sunday’s Oscars has become an overnight sensation — so on Monday’s show, Ellen invited him on and finally presented him with his $600 tip. Some quick fun facts about Edgar: He co-owns Big Mama’s and Papa’s Pizzeria with his brother, (who was probably that pissed that he didn’t run out to make Sunday’s delivery) he hails from Moscow and he thinks that Julia Roberts is “woman in dreams.” OK, that last thing is kind of weird but we’ll let that slide.
Edgar is surprisingly really good looking for a pizza guy and seems charming yet somewhat effacing, so the odds of he and his family being suckered in to a reality show which will suck the marrow from his bones and leave him a withered husk are about a million percent. Best case scenario he’ll get harassed by TMZ and tourists for the next six-plus months. Hollywood is just the best.