Last year, Vice ran a fun interview with four roommates who appeared on an episode of Judge Judy and delivered one of the all-time best “You’ve gotta be f*cking kidding me” stories on a show that is filled with them. The moral of their story was that even while the absurdly wealthy and allegedly great-in-the-sack judge was aware of their lie, the roomies still got a free trip to Los Angeles and some cash out of it, because they executed it well. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that almost everything that happens on daytime television court shows is a dirty lie, or at least an exaggeration. And nobody needed Patton Oswalt to tell them that this means that Wu-Tang Clan story that we all fell in love with this week was probably fake, too.
But that doesn’t mean we weren’t allowed to believe that a man on Divorce Court was actually accusing his girlfriend of sleeping with the entire Wu-Tang Clan, because that’s just the kind of story that the Internet was created to tell. Now, Method Man has stepped forward to put an end to the fun once and for all, as he commented on an Instagram post by the Clan’s tour manager Simon Green that this young woman was mistaken, to put it nicely.
Keep in mind, he’s not saying it’s fake out of certainty. He’s just saying that he would have remembered her. So, there’s still a chance, for those of us who want to believe that this story is true, that it really happened. Keep believing, friends. Never stop.
*The definition of “thot,” in case you’ve fallen behind on your slang, can be found, as always, at Urban Dictionary.
(H/T to the AV Club)