Dale Hansen went to bat against the Michael Sam haters and hit a grand slam with this report originating from Dallas ABC affiliate WFAA. In what can only be described as a hole in one, Hansen shamed all those opposed to Michael Sam in an NFL locker room and outlined the hypocrisy in their criticism in little over two minutes.
Hansen isn’t the only one showing support for Michael Sam after the University of Missouri defensive star publicly came out, but he’s certainly making one of the more convincing arguments against the detractors.
It’s a pleasure to see Hansen bob and weave around the different examples of NFL players who are accepted in the locker room for acts ranging from driving drunk, illegal drug use and even rape allegations. “You love another man,” Hansen quips, “now you’ve gone too far.”
It’s a hole in one and you can only hope that the sentiments Hansen speaks about in the end of the video do start to spread around. It’s weird to be discussing how someone’s sexual orientation will affect their draft ranking.
I’m sure Al Davis is scratching the roof of his coffin in an effort to draft Sam with the Raiders first pick. It has no bearing on his ability to play and it’s a silly argument to even think that a team would consider it. But they will. And that’s why Hansen’s report and the many other opinions you will read are important for the discussion.
We salute you, Dale Hansen. You really spun a hat trick with this segment.