‘Minority Report’ And ‘Lucifer’ Pilots ‘Leak’ Online And Everyone Totally Believes It

The pilot episodes for Fox’s Lucifer and Minority Report television shows were leaked onto torrent sites, and the latter is kicking the crap out of the former in the contest for highest number of downloads.

Deadline also reports that two new NBC pilots, the thriller Blindspot and the sitcom The Carmichael Show, were leaked online with the same batch as the two Fox shows:

Fox’s Lucifer, a D.C. Comics-based actioner about the Lord of Hell, had notched about 150 links. That means that by mid-day Monday, hundreds of copies of the Fox pilots were sailing through the Internet ether, with Minority Report taking the lead, for better or worse, and Blindspot hitting 149 links. The Carmichael Show, from what Deadline could ascertain, had no public links.

On the one hand, this seems to happen nearly every year with pilots for new shows. Such was the case for CBS’s Supergirl series, the pilot for which made its way online back in May. On the other hand, piracy is bad and blah blah blah.

As the Mary Sue rightly points out, however, leaks like these are becoming “business as usual” for major and minor television networks alike. Whether or not it’s a sanctioned act of guerrilla marketing, the frequency of these leaks begs the question: Are these really “leaks?”

Then again, what the hell is The Carmichael Show and why would anyone want to download it, let alone leak it?

(Via the Mary Sue and Deadline)