Pablo Escobar’s Brother Wants Netflix To Provide Cartel Hitmen As Bodyguards For ‘Narcos’

Following the death of Carlos Muñoz, a 37-year-old locations manager on Narcos who was found dead in his car in Mexico last week, the brother of drug lord Pablo Escobar wants Netflix to provide hitmen as bodyguards.

“You have to eliminate all threats,” Roberto De Jesus Escobar Gaviria, who worked as an accountant for the Medellín Cartel (he was also employed as the “chief of the hitmen”), told The Hollywood Reporter. “When I was walking in the jungle one day, I had a bag with $2 million in $100 bills. The army was searching for me and Pablo at this time. Suddenly, we are being shot at.”

He continued, “Both me and Pablo, along with a few security people, start running towards a small channel of water, we swim away. This was all done without guns. If you have the intellect, you don’t need to use weapons. If not, you have to. In this case, Netflix should provide hitmen to their people as security.”

This isn’t the first time Escobar Gaviria has voiced his frustration with Netflix. In 2016, the founder of Escobar Inc. demanded $1 billion from the streaming service for unauthorized usage of content. “To this date, I am one of the few survivors of the Medellin cartel,” he wrote, “and I was Pablo’s closest ally, managing his accounting and he is my brother for life. I think nobody else in the world is alive to determine the validity of the materials, but me.”

He told The Hollywood Reporter that “Netflix is scared,” and that “they sent us a long letter to threaten us.” Escobar Gaviria, who claims to “own all the trademarks to all of our names and also for the Narcos brand,” added, “Right now, we are in discussions with them through our attorneys [to] obtain our $1 billion payment. If we don’t receive it, we will close their little show.”

Billon dollar lawsuits, drug lords, and hitmen bodyguards? Lady Dynamite is going through the exact same thing.

(Via The Hollywood Reporter)