Paz de la Huerta Arrested for Being Awesome

“Boardwalk Empire” actress Paz de la Huerta — whose fantastic body has been exposed during TV workmodeling gigs, and some freelance drunkennesshas been arrested for assault following an altercation with a woman at the Standard Hotel in New York. De la Huerta allegedly attacked former reality star Samantha Swetra (she was on MTV’s “The City”), who was at a table with Lindsay Lohan.

Swetra and de la Huerta had not met before Sunday, a second source tells us, but that didn’t stop the NYC-born actress from flirting with one of Swetra’s male pals.

That’s when, our first source adds, de la Huerta suddenly lost her footing and went crashing into an adjacent table. After taking in the unexpected pratfall – which, our source adds, resulted in one of de la Huerta’s breasts “hanging out of her dress”- an amused Swetra yelled out “triple axel!”

The gibe sent de la Huerta into a rage and she threw a drink glass at Swetra’s leg and took a swing at the model’s face, the source says. De la Huerta’s aim is apparently as good as her acting on “Boardwalk Empire.” According to our source, the actress’ fist connected squarely with Swetra’s lips and nose.

The glass, which shattered, also did some damage. “Blood was dripping down [Swetra’s] leg,” the source tells us. “Lindsay was pulling shards of glass off of it.” [NYDN]

My God, that story gets me hot. Paz gets fall-down drunk and horny and violent, and her shapely breasts are apparently always falling out of her clothing. She just might be the perfect woman.