Paz de la Huerta Got Fired, Sorta

The second season of “Boardwalk Empire” brought an abrupt end to the storylines of a few major characters, and now you can add another one disappearing into the great television abyss: Paz de la Huerta’s character, whose name I believe was “That naked lady. No, the other one. The whiny one with the hat. Yeah, her.” From TV Line:

TVLine has learned exclusively that the HBO mob hit has opted not to pick up the actress’ Season 3 contract option, which means viewers have likely seen the last of her character, Lucy Danziger.

Introduced in Season 1 as Nucky’s (Steve Buscemi) unhinged mistress, Lucy spent much of Season 2 pregnant and shacked up with Michael Shannon’s Van Alden (the baby daddy). Shortly after giving birth, she went on a formula run and never returned, leaving the baby in Van Alden’s care.

An HBO rep declined to comment for this story.

But now who will… But what about the thi… What will happen to the storyline about the… You know what? I’m okay with this. Outside of a very, uh, European attitude towards explicit and gratuitous nudity, I was never really sure what purpose her character served on the show. Besides, this should give Paz more time to pursue her real calling: going on drunken rampages throughout Hollywood. She’s a true artist when it comes to that. Keeping her locked up on set all day is kind of like making Picasso spend all day scrubbing toilets. It’s a waste of both her time, and ours. For society’s sake, let the woman create.