‘Peaky Blinders’ Season 3 Will Be Here Soon And There’s A Bloody New Trailer To Prove It


The third season of Peaky Blinders makes its Netflix debut on May 31. This is excellent news because May 31 is less than two weeks from today. And there’s even more good news: Netflix just released the official trailer for season three. Wanna see Cillian Murphy say lots of intense, ominous things, often while holding a gun or bleeding or both? Of course you do. I mean, why on Earth wouldn’t you?

Here’s what we know so far about the season, without cheating and watching the episodes that started airing on the BBC earlier this month: It picks up on the day of Tommy’s wedding and sees him get pulled into “the glamorous and dangerous world of international intrigue in 1920s Britain,” which will put “his entire organization and family at risk,” and cause him to question “everything about his own ambitions and desires.” Also, Tom Hardy is back as mumblemouthed Jewish bootlegger Alfie Solomons. Also also, Paddy Considine is joining the cast as an evil priest who is “the representative of a force beyond anything Tommy has previously encountered.” That’ll do just fine.

We’ve discussed this a few times now, but please consider this your latest reminder: Watch Peaky Blinders. The first two six-episode seasons are both on Netflix, and you have 12 days until season three premieres. One episode per day. You can do this.