Quick Hollywood “Explainer”: Pete Davidson, the 21-year-old standup comedian who joined the cast of Saturday Night Live last year, is not Rami Malek, the 34-year-old star of Mr. Robot. For one thing, Malek is 5-foot-9 and Davidson is 6-foot-3, so Davidson could not even be mistaken for Malek’s identical twin Sami, who really exists and really is Rami Malek’s identical twin brother. For another thing, Malek is Egyptian and Davidson is white, so there’s also that.
But none of this fazed a group of passers-by who drove past Davidson and swore that he was Mr. Robot himself, standing right there, before their very (possibly intoxicated) eyes. Davidson caught the whole thing on camera and posted it to Twitter:
But then, like a true, skilled comedian who understands the concept of “yes and,” Davidson played along when Mr. Robot costar Christian Slater responded:
I’m not sure what this means for a possible Mr. Robot sketch starring Pete Davidson, but Tina Fey came back to play Sarah Palin when her daughter said she looked like her. And Tina Fey’s daughter is a stranger to me, and these people in Davidson’s video are also strangers to me, so I give all of their personal opinions about other people’s appearances the same credence.
(via Pete Davidson/Twitter)