Ross Marquand’s The Walking Dead character, Aaron, mysteriously disappeared for long stretches during season six, and if viewers were wondering where he was, maybe he was out on the celebrity-impression circuit. We already knew that Marquand could do a brilliant Matthew McConaughey impression. In fact, after the season premiere last year, he reacted to the events of the episode as McConaughey.
What many may not realize is that Marquand — who has also appeared on Mad Men — has an entire arsenal of celebrity nano-impressions. In the video above, he trots out 17 of them in less than two-and-a-half minutes, from Aaron Paul reacting to a fart to John C. Reilly using a word he’s not quite sure he uses correctly, to my favorite: Antonio Banderas forgetting his password.
In a back half of a The Walking Dead season that will almost certainly include a massive purge of characters, here’s hoping that Aaron not only survives, but that he can bring out a few impressions to keep spirits high in Alexandria.
(Via Vanity Fair)