In addition to tackling how Catholic hospitals fail women on last night’s Full Frontal, Samantha Bee also addressed the elephant in the room by exposing the rampant misogyny Hillary Clinton has faced during the 2016 election cycle — and not just from her opponent Donald Trump, but from political commentators, right-wing voters, and everyone else in between. To accomplish this, she went straight to the United Nations to chat with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright about what it’s like to be a women in a position of leadership.
When asked about whether Clinton’s “playing into her woman-ness” helps her or hurts her, Albright responded, “I think its very hard to tell, frankly. Why are men afraid of women? I think we’re seeing in whatever previous relationship they have had, like the third grade that told Johnny to be nicer… or, Donald.”
She continued, “When Mr. Trump talks about her, in terms of her voice or her looks, I think he thinks he’s being subtle. I don’t think he’s being subtle. It kind of gives permission to others to, if not say it, think it.”
To really get to the bottom of the issue, Albright suggests that Bee talk to female heads of state in other countries to find out just what Hillary Clinton might be in for if and when she becomes elected. What she finds, for the most part, is surprising in how remarkably unsurprising it is. But if the Marshall Islands can get there, maybe some day the rest of the world can catch up.