If you’re a fan of Saturday Night Live, and you’re looking to binge on older episodes in their uncut entirety, you’ve probably been a tad crestfallen after Netflix removed a huge chunk of the SNL archives back in December 2013.
However, those same fans can feel free to rejoice because those missing SNL episodes have relocated to a new residence which is Seeso, a streaming comedy service that is provided by NBC. The tentative date to launch Seeso will be early 2016. Alongside SNL, NBC also plans to air other late night series such as The Tonight Show and Late Night. Of course, this streaming service won’t be entirely free. Subscriptions will start at $3.99 per month, so you’ll have to weigh Seeso’s usefulness against your other streaming investments for budgeting purposes.
Seeso did confirm that the entire Saturday Night Live archive will be on the streaming service, minus the musical guest performances, which will be edited out from the episodes. So, if you were hoping to see the infamous Ashlee Simpson lip-sync jig, or watch Sinead O’Connor rip up a photo of Pope John Paul II, you will sadly have to run to the confines of YouTube to see those moments.
In the meantime, SNL fans can celebrate that the archives not only have a home now, but that it’s possible to binge on nearly 40 years of content — from Roseanne Rosannadanna to “What Up With That?”
(Via Splitsider & Variety)